Interior design patterns play a significant role in transforming the look of your home. For example, when designing a floor plan for your new home build there are so many things to consider. From the kitchen to the mud room, to deciding where your gorgeous new chandelier will be placed, the interior design pattern decisions are endless. These decisions are both big and small, but all will have significant impacts on the end result of your home.

It can be difficult to keep track of all the best practices you need to know as you work with an interior designer to plan your home. If you want to get a head start, we’ve put together our top 5 tips you need to know for the interior design pattern of your home.

Interior Design Pattern Tips

1. Place the mud room near the front entry interior design pattern

We recommend placing the front room near the front entry. In this case, it will be accessible to many of your house guests, as well as your family. To make this decision, think about the style of your house and the surrounding rooms. Determine if they are traditional or contemporary. You will want to ensure that the mudroom reflects the style of your home, The reason why we recommend placing the mud room near the front entry is because you’ll want to drop coats, umbrellas and bags in this area, making it easily accessible near the front room for the interior design pattern.

2. Give Vastu a try for your kitchen

According to Vastu Shastra, the interior design pattern system of architecture, which literally translates to “science of architecture”, the kitchen is the most effected area of the house for energies. This part of house is to be situated on its corresponding place i.e. South-east governed by element Fire. The kitchen is the important part of home and is the primary contributing factor in general health and well-being of occupants.

Related: Interior Design Trends for the Spring

3. Listen to feng shui for your master bedroom

Because you want a good energy foundation for your bedroom, which is meant to be the most peaceful and nourishing energy, it is best to locate your bedroom above an area with peaceful or balanced activity. The best location is in the back of the house where it is more or less ‘hidden’ from the main energy traffic.

4. Place the main floor bathroom between the entrance hall and kitchen interior design pattern

One of the questions we are often asked is, “where do I place the main floor bathroom?” and our recommendation is always between the entrance hall and kitchen. Why? For many reasons, but mostly because you do not want your guests to wander through various rooms to get to your bathroom. During dinner parties, and for simple layouts, it’s far easier to place your bathroom in an easily located area of your home.

5. Ensure your living room has two outside walls.

In feng shui, the living room should be located in the part of your home that has at least two outside walls. You should avoid having the living room nestled deep insight your home, and instead place this room in an area that will allow energy to enter the room from the outside. The placement ensures fresh and clean energy for your home. It’s not just the location of the room that you want to consider, but also how you place the furniture in that room and also what type of furniture you get. So if you want to have a nice and inviting living room then you should get something like this gloss TV unit white to make the room feel more welcoming.

There are so many “rules” for room placement and the interior design pattern in your home, but we ultimately want to ensure that you enjoy the layout of your home and design a living area that is functional for you. From layout beliefs like feng shui to simple practicality, ensure that your home is practical for your family.

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