With the Summer drawing to a close and September getting closer, it’s time to start thinking about dorms and college apartments.

The best part? It’s time to start thinking about decorating for dorms and college apartments.

Whether you are going back to school or your children are moving out of the home, below are 5 tips to decorate for the school season.

1. Determine where to shop (and when!)

Where to shop (and when) can make all the difference. Will you be designing a modern dorm room with functional furnishings, or will you opt for a vintage chic look and feel?

And what about the ‘when’?

Shopping one week before school begins will be a recipe for disaster. Think ahead and plan an entire day with your child – just make sure your shopping is done in August.

2. Have a set budget.

This is perhaps the most important. To avoid going over budget and into the red, ensure you have a set budget before you begin shopping.

We recommend having a budget for furnishings and a budget for school supplies, and breaking each one down with must-haves and nice-to-haves, so you can add and remove items as necessary.

3. Be aware of your space.

Dorm rooms can be small (remember college life?)

Ensure you have your square footage on-hand as you shop, so you purchase appropriately-sized furnishings.

Apartment-style furniture is often the best. Think small couches and side tables.

4. Have a plan for what you will do with your child’s room once they leave

We know – this one can be difficult. Once your child leaves, you can experience a sort of empty-nest syndrome (especially if the new college-dweller is your last child to leave your family home). To avoid emotional decision-making, have a plan developed now.

For example, you can choose to turn your child’s room into a new office or second bedroom, or you can keep it as-is for when your son or daughter returns home for the Summer.

Whatever the case, make sure you have a plan before your young one leaves your home doors.

5. Flying or driving?

Keep this in mind as you purchase your furnishings – will you be flying or will you be driving?

If you will be flying, keep in mind of that budget as your travel costs will be sure to increase. If you will be driving, ensure your recently purchased items will fit in your vehicle for transportation.

As you embark on your purchases for dorms and college apartments, remember the moment and the experience you have with your child. This is a whole new adventure in your life, and one that we encourage you to embrace.

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Phone: (617) 233 – 5895

Weston, MA 02493
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Phone: (617) 233 – 5895

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